Will My Alarm go off on do Not Disturb
If you’re worried about your alarm going off with Do Not Disturb mode, don’t worry at all. In this article, we will discuss in detail how DND affects alarms and how to prevent them from waking up, and everything else you need to know about it.
Will My Alarm Go Off on Do Not Disturb?
Follow the below procedure to enable/disable the alarm in DND mode.
- First, you open the Settings app.
- In the second step go to Notifications > Do Not Disturb.
- Alarms and sounds must be tapped under Allowed during the Do Not Disturb section.
- Finally, to enable the alarm sound in DND mode, the button next to the alarm has to be toggled. And to disable it, the alarm button has to be toggled.

Why Did My Alarm Not Go Off In Do Not Disturb Mode?
Here we will tell you some of the reasons why your alarm may not turn off properly in Do Not Disturb mode.
Causes of alarm problems with Do Not Disturb mode include volume problems, alarm timing problems, and user errors that cause the alarm to not go off as intended.
We will tell you about these problems and also tell you their solution.
Volume Was Too Low
If the volume of your phone will be too low, this is also the main reason why you cannot hear it easily. Do not disturb mode does not affect how loud the alarm sounds.
For this, you need to set the ringer volume for the alarm in the alarm settings menu.
If you find that the volume of the ringer you have set is too low, this may also be the main reason why you are often not being heard properly.
Your alarm probably went off, but the volume wasn’t loud enough to be audible.
This is one of the causes of alarm problems while in Do Not Disturb mode.
You must modify your alarm volume settings in the Alarm Settings menu.
In the alarm settings menu, you can change the alarm sound as well as the volume and vibration settings associated with the alarm.
Your Alarm Was Set To PM Instead Of AM
Another common cause of alarm problems is that the AM and PM are set incorrectly. Users accidentally set their alarm at the wrong time of day, so your alarm doesn’t go off.
When this happens, the alarm will not go off at the desired time and will instead go off at a different time of day.
This prevents your alarm from ringing or notifying you of an event while in Do Not Disturb mode.
To edit your alarm’s AM/PM settings, go to the Alarm Settings menu on your device.
Then there you verify and switch any incorrect time settings. Also, make sure you have now corrected the AM/PM settings.
You Turned It Off When It Was Ringing But You Forgot Because You Were Asleep
There is another reason that most people can relate to and that is turning off your alarm while half asleep.
This is a very common reason and the user may not even remember it.
This happens when the user is in a deep sleep because he does it without thinking about it. This can be a big problem.
This can avoid this problem by setting multiple alarms in a short period.
What Happens When Your Alarm Goes Off On And Texts You Do Not Disturb Mode?
If your alarm goes off and you receive a text about it while in Do Not Disturb mode, that means your alarm settings are set to only notify you via text instead of ringing a notification bell.
is set to When this happens, your alarm will still sound, but you won’t receive an audible notification.
This requires you to edit your alarm and do not disturb settings before you can use it properly with do not disturb mode.
Text alarm notifications will be useful for someone who is looking at their phone for text notifications because they don’t like the sound.
Why Did My Alarm Not Go Off On DND Mode?
The alarm should sound even when the Do Not Disturb mode is on.
If the alarm doesn’t go off for some reason, you need to check the alarm settings, volume, etc.
to make sure they go off otherwise. Restarting your smartphone once may also solve your problem.
Wrapping Up
Alarms have become very important these days, and people are so busy that they forget. They don’t want any notifications from apps or messages from friends.
So there is no point in suppressing the alarm in DND mode. For this reason, smartphone manufacturers do not block alarms on DND mode.